Shift or Ctrl clicking buttons in Ruler Designer coat of arms designer now multiplies the frame change by 5 or 10 Ledger page with independent rulers now shows troops including retinues Army AI: Fixed a bug with invasions not happening when they should AI: Fixed a bug with it not dismissing liege levies when done with them AI: Not interested in Lower CA plots in irrelevant kingdoms/empires AI: Less likely to go overboard with Crown Authority AI: Much better at assigning flank commanders for important armies Diplo AI: Imprisoned vassals or below will always accept a demand for religious conversion, and go free from prison Retinues no longer reinforce if their owner has no money Liege levies will now disband if their owner is at war with the owner of the unit Disbanding multiple selected units will never disband retinues if there are non-retinues in any selected unit The Imperial Reconquest CB no longer clears out all rulers under the title The Imperial Reconquest CB now only works for the restored Roman Empire Fixed a bug with not being able to move capital back to your title's preferred capital Kingdoms no longer assimilate out of de jure empires that have no holder Less likely that the captain of a merc regiment gets reassigned to lead something else Mercenary regiments and Holy Orders will now automatically get a new leader when the old one dies Fixed a crash with a null war list in Province View and Diplomacy View The Pope now receives even less war contribution score in Crusades A bit more randomness in the size of the rebel reinforcements in civil wars

Fixed an issue with AI strength calculations the first month after loading a game

Fixed Dutch cultural retinue lacking pikes Fixed Scottish Schiltron building giving 10x defensive bonus to pikes Intrigue plots vs barons or their courtiers can now include their liege's courtiers and other vassals Optimized succession calculation, which could cause massive slowdowns in big dynasties with many landed members You can now forbid your council from leading armies Liege levies raised via the province view are now raised in the selected province